About Us - Company Profile
Company Background
TOWNSCAPES BUILDERS SDN BHD ( TBSB ) was incorporated in 9th May 2007 under Company Act 1965 with an authorized and paid-up capital of RM 1,000,000.00. A G7 CIDB registered Contractor.

TOWNSCAPES BUILDERS SDN BHD has vast experience in residential, commercial and industrial building construction projects, infrastructure such as road and drainage projects, housing development projects, design and build and project management services.

TBSB believes in creating a team of "Professional Builders" that require all employee, suppliers and sub-contractors to operate within the team effort and business practices. We strive to be one of the best and professional construction companies which promises to give our clients VALUE FOR MONEY, QUALITY and CARE of their need.
To provide human comfort in built environment.

To produce quality and afforable prouducts and become the TOYOTA of the Construction Industry.

We value....
- Excellent Customer Service
- Teamwork
- Encourage Learning Culture
- Cmployee Empowerment